Type keyword to start search on any search engine / searchable websites easily

Type keyword to start search on any search engine / searchable websites easily

  • Start search directly from address bar

    Start search directly from browser address bar such as Google, Yandex, Bing, Google Translate, Youtube music or any other searchable websites.
  • Navigate to favorite websites from address bar

    Your favorite websites will be listed on the address bar according to your usage.
  • Add new search engines / websites

    60+ websites and searchable websites already added.You can add your favorite websites, enable/disable them and start search easily from browser address bar
  • Suggestions Order according to user usage

    Suggestions will be sorted as you clicked the suggestions.
  • Unlimited & Free

    This extension completely free and unlimited. You can add unlimited websites and search engines.

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Type ". " (dot + space) to view suggestions on address bar.

Type ". " (dot + space) to view suggestions on address bar.

Type keyword to start search on any search engine / searchable websites easily

Type keyword to start search on any search engine / searchable websites easily

Show suggestions that related to the given tag

Show suggestions that related to the given tag

Filter suggestions by typing -TAG_NAME

Filter suggestions by typing -TAG_NAME

Add new suggestion by clicking extension icon on top-right corner.

Add new suggestion by clicking extension icon on top-right corner.